Cupping is a traditional therapy that uses cups on the skin to create a suction effect. It is said to reduce pain and inflammation, boost blood flow, heal skin problems and increase well-being. Cupping is often used together with acupuncture and there are clinics that provide both acupuncture and Cupping in Byron Bay.
What Happens in Cupping
The cups are usually made of glass or bamboo. They are small jars that are placed on the skin and that act as suction devices. In dry cupping the therapist first creates heat by placing a flammable substance, such as herbs or alcohol, on the cup and then lighting it.
When the flames are extinguished, the cup is placed on the skin upside down. When the air inside the cup starts to cool down, a vacuum is created, and the skin’s blood vessels begin to expand.
The flames in dry cupping are only used to create heat for the suction effect, and they are never used when the cups are on the skin. In wet cupping the therapist makes a tiny cut on the skin and then places the cup over the incision to draw out a small amount of blood. The cups are usually left on the skin for a few minutes. They can also be moved across the skin.
The Benefits of Cupping in Byron Bay
Cupping is said to break up congestion and stagnation. In Chinese medicine pain is related to congestion in the flow of blood, lymph and other fluids, and blockages in the flow of qi (life energy). Cupping removes blockages and stagnation and helps to restore the qi flow. Cupping is said to boost blood circulation, relax the nervous system, loosen tight muscles, and alleviate back pain and neck pain. It is said to relieve headaches, rheumatism and digestive problems such as constipation, and it can help with many skin problems including acne.
There are a few side effects to cupping treatments, but these are usually mild. Some people may experience mild discomfort although most people feel relaxed after a treatment. The treatment leaves bruises on the area where the cups have been placed, but the skin generally returns to normal within ten days. Therapists use antibiotic ointment and cover the cupped area with bandages to prevent skin infections.
Traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the ancient Egyptians and cultures in the Middle East, have used cupping for thousands of years. It has become popular again after many celebrities admitted to using it. It can relieve pain, help with many health issues and improve your general well-being.
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